Paying dividends
A dividend is a payment made by a company to its shareholders and are paid out of company profits.
Important note on dividends
Documenting a dividend
Directors are required to hold a meeting and produce minutes documenting the decision to pay a dividend.
In order for a dividend to be classed as legal, dividend vouchers must also be produced and retained.
Both minutes and vouchers will be created by the software for you.
Creating a dividend
To create a dividend:
Select 'Bookkeeping' in the menu
Click 'Dividends'
And press the 'Issue dividend' button
You'll then need to fill in the following details:
Share class - choose the class of shares you'd like to issue The dividend will be split between holders of this share class, according to the number they hold
Dividend date - enter the date the dividends will be issued
Amount to pay - the total amount you'd like to pay. You can only issue upto the profit available in your company, if you exceed this, a warning will be displayed
Pay off your director's loan account - you can choose to use this dividend to pay off your director's loan account balance, instead of receiving the money
Meeting to agree dividend - confirm that a board meeting has taken place to agree the issuing of this dividend
Then save
Paying dividends
You can now make the payment to the shareholders.
You will find a pending payment in the Bookkeeping area for each shareholder’s payment. When the outgoing transaction is shown in your importer, you can match this in.