Company addresses and our services

There are two addresses for your limited company that you will use day to day, a registered office address and your trading address. Let's explain the difference.

Registered office address 🏢

This is the address given to Companies House for the official address of a company. It used by Companies House and HMRC for official correspondence. 

The registered office address is visible publicly on Companies House and is accessible to anyone. For this reason many business owners prefer not to use their home address as their company's registered office address.

To help protect your privacy, the Provestor advisory services include the use of our office address as your company's registered office address.

Trading address 🏡

This is where your day-to-day business is conducted from and is most commonly your home address, or if you have a dedicated office away from your home, this address. 

The trading address is where you will receive correspondence related to trading activities of your business, for example:

  1. Business and property insurances

  2. Bank accounts and mortgages

  3. Agency correspondence

  4. Subscriptions and services

Registered office address limitations

Please don't use your registered office address for your day to day business activities. Instead, use your trading address. Forwarding of trading related correspondence is not included in our monthly fee.

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